When it comes to saving for future education needs, every family is different. That’s why Alaska 529 offers three investment approaches incorporated into 14 different portfolios to suit your specific situation and savings goals.


Enrollment-Based Portfolios include a mix of stock and bond mutual funds that start out aggressive and automatically become more conservative in an effort to preserve funds as the target date is approached.


Static Portfolios offer a predetermined mix of stocks, bonds, and/or money markets where the asset allocation remains fixed. With this option, you can take a conservative or aggressive approach with your portfolio.


University of Alaska Portfolio offers a tuition-value guarantee, which allows you to purchase UA tuition credits now for future use. The balanced portfolio is a mix of approximately 40% stock funds and 60% fixed income funds and provides a low-cost approach to investing.


Experience has been a critical component to Alaska 529’s success. Since 2001, we have partnered with T. Rowe Price, a global investment firm, to provide actively managed investment options to our account holders. The skilled T. Rowe Price portfolio managers have deep experience—an average of 22 years in the industry and 17 years with T. Rowe Price.††


The T. Rowe Price strategic investing approach allows the portfolio managers to seek returns that go beyond the limitations of simply following an index. So, as market conditions change, they are able to remain focused on achieving superior long-term results for account holders. View historical performance.†††


Alaska 529 does not charge an annual account fee or any other miscellaneous fees. Learn more about the expenses and fees that are reflected in each portfolio’s unit price.


The eight actively managed Enrollment-Based Portfolios include a mix of stock and bond mutual funds that are periodically adjusted to become more conservative as the target year approaches. Once you've estimated how many years until you plan to use your savings, you can use the tool below to review your options.

Portfolio Options
How many years until you plan to use your savings?








Portfolio for Education Today

Choose your timeframe arrow
19+ years 16-18 years 13-15 years 10-12 years 7-9 years 4-6 years 2-3 years 0-1 year
Portfolio 2042

Portfolio 2042

This aggressive An investment portfolio that attempts to increase returns by holding securities with a relatively higher degree of risk. This strategy often involves allocating most holdings to stocks. equity portfolio seeks long-term capital appreciation An increase in the value of an investment such as a stock, bond, or mutual fund. This increase might also be referred to as "earnings." by broadly investing in funds primarily focused on domestic equity Funds that invest in stocks of companies based in the United States. markets, with some exposure to international equity markets. The strategy is based on the understanding that the volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. associated with equity markets can be accompanied by the greatest potential for long-term capital appreciation. Portfolio 2042 will begin to shift and become more conservative An investment portfolio that attempts to preserve its capital by holding securities with a relatively lower degree of risk. This strategy often involves allocating most holdings to bonds and/or money market investments. three years later than Portfolio 2039.

Portfolio 2039

Portfolio 2039

This aggressiveAn investment portfolio that attempts to increase returns by holding securities with a relatively higher degree of risk. This strategy often involves allocating most holdings to stocks. equity portfolio seeks long-term capital appreciation An increase in the value of an investment such as a stock, bond, or mutual fund. This increase might also be referred to as "earnings." by broadly investing in funds primarily focused on domestic equity Funds that invest in stocks of companies based in the United States. markets, with some exposure to international equity markets. The strategy is based on the understanding that the volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. associated with equity markets can be accompanied by the greatest potential for long-term capital appreciation. Due to the long time horizon until expected enrollment, this portfolio will initially have the same allocations as Portfolio 2036, although its allocations will begin to shift and become more conservative An investment portfolio that attempts to preserve its capital by holding securities with a relatively lower degree of risk. This strategy often involves allocating most holdings to bonds and/or money market investments. three years later than Portfolio 2036.

Portfolio 2036

Portfolio 2036

This aggressive An investment portfolio that attempts to increase returns by holding securities with a relatively higher degree of risk. This strategy often involves allocating most holdings to stocks. equity portfolio seeks long-term capital appreciation An increase in the value of an investment such as a stock, bond, or mutual fund. This increase might also be referred to as "earnings." by broadly investing in funds primarily focused on domestic equity Funds that invest in stocks of companies based in the United States. markets, with some exposure to international equity markets. The strategy is based on the understanding that the volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. associated with equity markets can be accompanied by the greatest potential for long-term capital appreciation.

Portfolio 2033

Portfolio 2033

This portfolio seeks long-term capital appreciation An increase in the value of an investment such as a stock, bond, or mutual fund. This increase might also be referred to as "earnings." by broadly investing in equity funds focused on domestic and international equity markets, with some exposure to fixed incomeA type of investment where the borrower or issuer is obliged to make payments with interest at a fixed rate on a fixed schedule. Bonds are considered to be fixed income securities.. The strategy is based on the understanding that the volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. associated with equity markets can be accompanied by the greatest potential for long-term capital appreciation.

Portfolio 2030

Portfolio 2030

This portfolio seeks long-term capital appreciation An increase in the value of an investment such as a stock, bond, or mutual fund. This increase might also be referred to as "earnings." by broadly investing in equity funds focused on domestic and international equity markets, with additional exposure to fixed income.A type of investment where the borrower or issuer is obliged to make payments with interest at a fixed rate on a fixed schedule. Bonds are considered to be fixed income securities. The strategy is based on the understanding that the volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. associated with equity markets can be accompanied by the greatest potential for long-term capital appreciation.

Portfolio 2027

Portfolio 2027

This balanced portfolio invests in both stocksShares of ownership or equity in a company that are bought and sold in a market such as a stock exchange. Stock prices can change every time any investor buys or sells shares of the stock and may reflect the state of the company as well as the economic environment. and fixed income A type of investment where the borrower or issuer is obliged to make payments with interest at a fixed rate on a fixed schedule. Bonds are considered to be fixed income securities. instruments, with a slightly higher exposure to fixed income. The portfolio invests in both domestic and international equity markets. This mix of funds offers reduced exposure to equities Shares of a specific company that are available for public purchase. Equities are also referred to as stocks. while diversifying in fixed income markets to reduce the risk and volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. typically associated with equity markets*.

Portfolio 2024

Portfolio 2024

This balanced portfolio invests in both stocksShares of ownership or equity in a company that are bought and sold in a market such as a stock exchange. Stock prices can change every time any investor buys or sells shares of the stock and may reflect the state of the company as well as the economic environment. and fixed incomeA type of investment where the borrower or issuer is obliged to make payments with interest at a fixed rate on a fixed schedule. Bonds are considered to be fixed income securities. instruments, with a higher exposure to fixed income. The portfolio invests in both domestic and international equity markets. This mix of funds offers reduced exposure to equities Shares of a specific company that are available for public purchase. Equities are also referred to as stocks. while diversifying in fixed income markets to reduce the risk and volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. typically associated with equity markets*.

Portfolio for Education Today

Portfolio for Education Today

This portfolio is designed for beneficiariesThe future student designated by an account holder to receive the benefit of an account. who are already enrolled or are about to enroll in school. Emphasizing a mix of high-quality fixed income Generally-conservative government and corporate-issued bonds and other fixed instruments that have been highly rated by credit ratings agencies and are expected to have a relatively low risk of encountering financial problems and are expected to make their interest or principal payments on schedule. investments, this portfolio also maintains an approximate 20% allocation to stock Shares of ownership or equity in a company that are bought and sold in a market such as a stock exchange. Stock prices can change every time any investor buys or sells shares of the stock and may reflect the state of the company as well as the economic environment. funds with a primary focus on domestic equity.Funds that invest in stocks of companies based in the United States. There is exposure to international stocks as well. The portfolio seeks to generate income—at a time when a beneficiary may be taking distributions from an account for education expenses—while also aiming to provide portfolio growth that meets or exceeds tuition inflation. There is no guarantee the portfolio will provide adequate income, and you could experience losses near, at, or through enrollment.


*Effective November 15, 2019, Portfolio for College was renamed to Portfolio for Education Today to more accurately describe the portfolio’s design for beneficiaries who are already enrolled or about to enroll in school. This is a name change only.


The principal value of the Enrollment-Based Portfolios is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target enrollment date. The portfolios invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The portfolios emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as matriculation approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability after matriculation. While moving assets into bond and money market funds can help lower investment risks, there is no guarantee against loss. The portfolios maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target enrollment date, which can result in greater volatility.


The neutral asset allocations depicted for the Enrollment-Based Portfolios are as of the fourth quarter 2019. Asset allocations for each portfolio will vary and may be higher or lower than this example. Please refer to the Plan Disclosure Document for portfolio asset allocation details. For the most current allocations, please call 1-800-478-0003 to speak with a an Education Savings Specialist.


These five portfolios invest in a predetermined mix of stocks, bonds, and/or money market funds so that the asset allocations are designed to remain fixed. Investing in a more aggressive or conservative portfolio allows the flexibility to choose an option that works best for you.

Portfolio Options
Select a portfolio to learn more.


Total Equity
Index Portfolio

Global Impact

Fixed Income


Money Market

Choose your portfolio arrow
Equity Portfolio Total Equity Market Index Portfolio Global Impact Equity Portfolio Fixed Income Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Money Market Portfolio
Equity Portfolio

Equity Portfolio

Emphasizing long-term capital appreciation, An increase in the value of an investment such as a stock, bond, or mutual fund. This increase might also be referred to as "earnings." this all-equity portfolio invests in a broad range of funds focused on domestic equity Funds that invest in stocks of companies based in the United States. markets, with some exposure to international equity markets. It is designed for account holders who want a broadly diversified portfolio of primarily actively managed mutual funds A company that combines the money of many investors into a professionally managed portfolio of stocks, bonds, and/or other securities. Each investor shares in the gain or loss of earnings in the mutual fund. that does not become more conservative An investment portfolio that attempts to preserve its capital by holding securities with a relatively lower degree of risk. This strategy often involves allocating most holdings to bonds and/or money market investments. over time. Because this portfolio invests in many underlying funds, it will have partial exposure to the risks of different areas of the market. This strategy is based on the understanding that the volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. associated with equity markets can be accompanied by the greatest potential for long-term capital appreciation.

Total Equity Market Index Portfolio

Total Equity Market Index Portfolio

The Total Equity Market Index Portfolio seeks to approximate the performance of a benchmarkA specified comparison used to evaluate the investment return, risk, and asset allocation of a portfolio. index that measures the investment return of U.S. stocksShares of ownership or equity in a company that are bought and sold in a market such as a stock exchange. Stock prices can change every time any investor buys or sells shares of the stock and may reflect the state of the company as well as the economic environment.. The portfolio invests in the Small-Cap Index Fund—I Class, Mid-Cap Index Fund—I Class, and Equity Index 500 Fund—I Class. Index investing can provide a convenient and relatively low-cost way to approximate the performance of a particular market.

Global Impact Equity Portfolio

Global Impact Equity Portfolio

This portfolio invests exclusively in the T. Rowe Price Global Impact Equity Fund. The Global Impact Equity Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.

In pursuing its investment objective, the fund seeks to generate a positive, measurable environmental and/or social impactHave a positive impact on the global environment and/or social equity issues. with the potential to outperform its benchmarkA specified comparison used to evaluate the investment return, risk, and asset allocation of a portfolio. index. The fund selects companies for its portfolio using the fund manager’s in-house proprietary screening process. This screening process relies on the fund’s manager’s independent analysis of each issuer. The fund seeks to select companies for its portfolio that are, in the opinion of the fund’s manager, capable of achieving and sustaining above-average, long-term earnings and cash flow growthAn increase in the inflow of cash from a company’s business operations., and that are capable of generating a positive impact under one of the following three impact pillars: climate and resource impact, social equity and quality of life, and/or sustainable innovation and productivity.

The materiality of positive impact is assessed according to specific, in-house metrics for every business activity that aligns to one of the three impact pillars. Companies must meet one of the following four criteria: (1) a majority of current or future profits tied to at least one impact pillar; (2) a majority of expected revenues or profits in 10-years tied to at least one impact pillar, as projected by the fund’s portfolio manager; (3) best-in-class companies where a company is a leader in generating material social or environmental impact in its respective business activity or sector; and (4) occasionally, unique impact situations where a company has made or is expected to make a material social or environmental impact outside the scope of its otherwise normal business activities.

Under normal conditions, at least 80% of the fund’s net assets (including any borrowings for investment purposes) will be invested in equityShares of a specific company that are available for public purchase. Equities are also referred to as stocks. securities and at least 40% of the fund’s net assets will be invested in companies outside the U.S. (at least 30% if foreign market conditions are not favorable). Equity securities may include common stocksShares of ownership or equity in a company that are bought and sold in a market such as a stock exchange. Stock prices can change every time any investor buys or sells shares of the stock and may reflect the state of the company as well as the economic environment., preferred stocks, or convertible securities. In addition, for purposes of these policies, the fund’s investments include instruments that are linked to, or provide exposure to, equities or companies outside of the U.S., such as depositary receiptsA certificate issued in the United States but represents shares of foreign companies.. The fund may invest in issuers of any market capitalizationA way to categorize companies as being large, mid-sized or small based on their overall market values. and in securities offerings that are not registered in the U.S. or denominated in the U.S. dollar. The fund may invest in issuers in emerging markets.

Fixed Income Portfolio

Fixed Income Portfolio

This portfolio's primary objective is to seek a high level of current income with moderate price fluctuations by investing exclusively in the T. Rowe Price Spectrum Income Fund, which invests in a diversified group of other T. Rowe Price mutual fundsA company that combines the money of many investors into a professionally managed portfolio of stocks, bonds, and/or other securities. Each investor shares in the gain or loss of earnings in the mutual fund. *. The fund, which invests in a variety of domestic and international bondAn investment in which an investor loans money to an entity such as a corporation or government. The entity borrows the funds for a defined period of time and repays the loaned amount along with the predetermined interest. funds, a money market fund, A mutual fund that invests in highly liquid, short-term instruments such as U.S. Treasuries. and an income-oriented stockShares of ownership or equity in a company that are bought and sold in a market such as a stock exchange. Stock prices can change every time any investor buys or sells shares of the stock and may reflect the state of the company as well as the economic environment. fund, seeks to maintain broad exposure to several markets in an attempt to reduce the impact of declining markets and to benefit from good performance in particular market segments over time. The strategy is based on a lower-risk investment approach that seeks to conserve principal and generate a reasonable level of return while minimizing the risks associated with equity markets.

Balanced Portfolio

Balanced Portfolio

This moderately aggressive An investment portfolio that attempts to increase returns by holding securities with a relatively higher degree of risk. This strategy often involves allocating most holdings to stocks. portfolio focuses on a mix of approximately 60% of its holdings invested in stocksShares of ownership or equity in a company that are bought and sold in a market such as a stock exchange. Stock prices can change every time any investor buys or sells shares of the stock and may reflect the state of the company as well as the economic environment., including some exposure to international stocks, while seeking diversification through approximately 40% of its holdings allocated to fixed incomeA type of investment where the borrower or issuer is obliged to make payments with interest at a fixed rate on a fixed schedule. Bonds are considered to be fixed income securities.. This strategy is based on accepting the risks associated with stocks, which have the potential to provide high returns, and seeking to balance the effects of volatility The range of price changes in a security within a given period of time. Volatility is often used to describe a level of risk of an investment. In most cases, the higher the volatility, the riskier the investment. through diversification in fixed income securities*.

Money Market Portfolio

Money Market Portfolio

This portfolio invests exclusively in the T. Rowe Price U.S. Treasury Money Fund, which is a money market fundA mutual fund that invests in highly liquid, short-term instruments such as U.S. Treasuries. managed to provide a stable share price of $1.00 by investing in short-term, high-quality securities backed by the U.S. government and repurchase agreements thereon. This portfolio is designed for account holders who are conservative An investment portfolio that attempts to preserve its capital by holding securities with a relatively lower degree of risk. This strategy often involves allocating most holdings to bonds and/or money market investments. investors or have a beneficiary The future student designated by an account holder to receive the benefit of an account. nearing enrollment.

You could lose money by investing in this portfolio. Although the money market fund in which this portfolio invests seeks to preserve its value at $1.00 per share, the underlying money market fund cannot guarantee that it will do so. An investment in this portfolio is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The underlying money market fund's sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to the underlying fund, and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide financial support to the underlying money market fund at any time.

Money Market

The neutral asset allocations depicted for these portfolios are for the fourth quarter 2019. Actual asset allocations for each portfolio will vary and may be higher or lower than this exampe. While certain portfolios seek to cushion the effects of volatility in U.S. equity markets by diversifying in foreign markets and/or fixed income markets, diversification cannot assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market. Please refer to the Plan Disclosure Document for portfolio asset allocation details. For more current target allocations, please call 1-866-277-1005 and speak with a an Education Savings Specialist.


This balanced portfolio of stock, bond, and money market funds offers a unique tuition-value guarantee when redeemed for payment of regular tuition at the University of Alaska. A beneficiary may use funds from this portfolio for any other purpose or at any other institution, but in those cases, the guarantee does not apply.

Equity Index 500 Fund and/or Extended Equity Market Index Fund
U.S. Bond Enhanced Index Fund
Limited Duration Inflation Focused Bond Fund
U.S. Treasury Money Fund

**Effective November 15, 2019, the ACT Portfolio was renamed to the University of Alaska Portfolio to more accurately describe the portfolio’s design for beneficiaries who plan to attend or may attend UA. This is a name change only.


The asset allocation for this portfolio is based on the target ranges above and may be higher or lower than this example. For the most current target allocation, please call 1-866-277-1005 to speak with an Education Savings Specialist.